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In the mood for change

Opportunities can arise during times of change, as long as you're willing to look out for them. Now is a good time to begin lifecoaching over the next 3 months.

It could prove a major life-change!

Why coaching?


For years world-class athletes have relied on coaches to lift performance because they know coaching works.

These days the philosophy has flowed into many areas of business and personal life so that people benefit from coaching in a range of fields: relationships, writing, public speaking, leadership, work/home life balance.


Dr. Christine Williams' experience as a book coach, an educator, life skills mentor and writer has equipped her with special skills in assisting people to uncover a sense of purpose in their lives. They come to find the particular conditions and relationships that give meaning to daily life.


As a member of the major US coaching group, Coachville, Christine has access to the school's extensive resources, including mentoring and internet support provided via e-courses, ezines and teleclasses.


Christine also participated as a coachee in a University of Sydney study into the effectiveness of coaching. The study, undertaken by Gordon Spence and supervised by Dr. Anthony Grant, Director of the University's Coaching Psychology Unit, was one of the first of its kind in the world.


Choose from a suite of options to suit your particular life plan and time demands.

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How I Can

Help You

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WHY: To be motivated in your work, you need to know why you’re doing any particular set of tasks and where they will lead. Finding your purpose in career and life makes all the difference to your outcomes every day, and can lead to lifelong success.


HOW: As a life coach I have devoted more than a decade of my career to coaching clients who are serious about change, to bring them a sense of real achievement. I use a strategy that has resulted in proven success in Australia and can be applied in any work situation, whether you’re an established senior executive or just starting out with a yet-to-be-fulfilled ambition.


WHO: This is definitely designed to bring out into the open the latent talents in YOU to create sustained success.


WHEN: The best time to start is right now when you've recognised you need a step-up into the future you've already imagined for yourself.


                     THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW!



one on one LIFEcoaching

1hr | $120

My coaching approach involves exercises in strategic thinking and personal application so that participants will come away with a tool-kit of ideas and workable plans to implement.

BOOK coaching

1hr | $100

If you've always dreamt of writing a book, now is your chance. It doesn't matter whether it's a true story or a figment of your imagination.


You can start with personal coaching for as long as it takes, and then transfer into a writing group if you want to take it further for feedback and even more encouragement.


View more about where our writing groups can lead - even to publication! Just click to watch our video HERE.






MY gratitude


by Rob Carrick


Christmas is here, and that means it's twelve months since I found myself at a Christmas event chatting to a woman in a wide-brimmed hat, a former beekeeper. She asked me how I managed during the lockdown of 2020, and I proudly replied that I had used the extra time to write a 300-page book of articles, lyrics, and anecdotes with a musical theme. As it had been surprisingly well-received, particularly in my mother’s retirement village, I'd decided to write a novel. The wise woman quizzed me as to what the book would be about. I didn’t really know at the time, but I told her it would not include any violence. She said that if there was no violence, I'd better be able to write a ‘bloody good sex scene’ and went on to ask if I was planning to write the next 'Fifty Shades of Grey'.


I realised I was going to need help.


My friend Tim who plays bass in my band suggested engaging a book coach and a quick Google search turned up the Sydney School of Arts & Humanities. The school seemed to have an endorsement from the City of Sydney, so I signed up and soon had a call back from the director, Christine Williams.


Christine asked me what writing experience I had so I told her about my first book. I could tell she took a dim view of this kind of ‘vanity publishing’. Next, she asked for the ‘elevator pitch’ for my novel. That too was clearly underwhelming so she suggested four coaching sessions and then joining a writing class. I wasn’t convinced about writing class, but I leapt at the opportunity to do the coaching sessions.


I was intrigued from the very first moment. It quickly became apparent that writing fiction is unlike any other genre. Christine turned a spotlight on the flaws in my writing, and the way forward was quickly revealed. I learnt how to start a new scene, a new character, and a new piece of dialogue on a new line. How to draw on the five senses. The art of showing and not telling the reader about emotions. The perils of adverbs and the pleasures in developing characters.


I remembered what the bee lady said, and in my final session I had a go at a sex scene. It was a disaster. Christine said it sounded typical of a sex scene written by a man. I still had much to learn.


Reluctantly, I decided to try writing class and was instantly hooked.


I tell my friends it's far better than watching a podcast. In each Zoom session, a regular audience turns up, listens intently, and provides constructive feedback. What’s more, the range of subjects canvassed by the group ranges from zombies' genre, detective thrillers, memoir and fantasy to Australian fiction and history. I was enthralled and started doing two sessions a week. I'm pleased to say that my second attempt at a sex scene fared much better than the first.


My favourite part of the class is the ‘prompt’. At school, I found I could create a composition if I was given a prompt, and I've now rediscovered this lost art of letting my imagination run free.


I don’t know if my novel will ever be published or read, but when, after 85,000 words, I finally wrote the last word on the last page of the first draft, I felt all my Christmases had come at once.


To Christine, and to all who took part in the SSOA writing class in 2021, I will be forever grateful to you for enabling me to discover the joy of writing fiction in what would otherwise have been a difficult COVID year.


I wish you a Merry Christmas.


Cheers! Rob


In response, my grateful thanks to Rob for the enthusiasm and commitment he brings to his writing.

Christine Williams,   SEE BELOW TO MAKE CONTACT








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